Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Is Algae Biodiesel

If you have ever seen the movie Back to the Future you will remember that the professor used different types of household compost to fuel his Delorean. We watched that movie thinking that to be fantasy – but, researchers today are working diligently to find alternative sources of fuel. What we once thought of as fantastical may at some point be reality.

Scientists have been looking into one type of fuel that could not only save us money – but also make the environment safer for all of us. Algae biodiesel could become the next big thing when it comes to fueling our vehicles. They have already tried to find ways to mass produce it.

Algae are a type of plants that are grown naturally all over the world. When grown in optimal conditions we can grow algae in large amounts that would make it hard for us to run out. What most people do not know is that half of algae are made up of lipid oil. This main component makes it a prime candidate for it to be converted into algae biodiesel. If used more and more people will begin to see how efficient and cleaner it is when compared to petroleum.

The production of algae biodiesel may in itself help to reduce pollution. When biodiesel is being produced from algae it will pull the carbon dioxide in the air around it and replace it with oxygen. That is why they want to build biodiesel algae plants near other energy manufacturing plants that produce carbon dioxide. It will pull the carbon dioxide and recycle it with oxygen.

What could be better than this? If we are able to use algae biodiesel we could make the world a cleaner place and save us money in the process. This is a goal that we have been working hard to reach for many years.