Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Is Algae Biodiesel

If you have ever seen the movie Back to the Future you will remember that the professor used different types of household compost to fuel his Delorean. We watched that movie thinking that to be fantasy – but, researchers today are working diligently to find alternative sources of fuel. What we once thought of as fantastical may at some point be reality.

Scientists have been looking into one type of fuel that could not only save us money – but also make the environment safer for all of us. Algae biodiesel could become the next big thing when it comes to fueling our vehicles. They have already tried to find ways to mass produce it.

Algae are a type of plants that are grown naturally all over the world. When grown in optimal conditions we can grow algae in large amounts that would make it hard for us to run out. What most people do not know is that half of algae are made up of lipid oil. This main component makes it a prime candidate for it to be converted into algae biodiesel. If used more and more people will begin to see how efficient and cleaner it is when compared to petroleum.

The production of algae biodiesel may in itself help to reduce pollution. When biodiesel is being produced from algae it will pull the carbon dioxide in the air around it and replace it with oxygen. That is why they want to build biodiesel algae plants near other energy manufacturing plants that produce carbon dioxide. It will pull the carbon dioxide and recycle it with oxygen.

What could be better than this? If we are able to use algae biodiesel we could make the world a cleaner place and save us money in the process. This is a goal that we have been working hard to reach for many years.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Safety Tips For Making Biodiesel

People have heard that biodiesel fuel can be better to use when compared to gasoline and even that you can make biodiesel at home. But many people are afraid that making such a flammable and toxic substance can be dangerous and should prevented.

It is true that many of the ingredients used in making this fuel are hazardous and toxic. They can cause severe burns when they come into contact with your skin and can be fatal when inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. That is why making safety should be your first concern when making it.

The first thing that you need to purchase is the proper safety gear. You need to find thick protective eyewear, thick gloves (not latex), overalls or aprons, long pants, long shirts, and boots. Make sure that your gloves are not latex because that material will melt when it comes into contact with hazardous chemicals.

After finding all of the necessary safety equipment you next have to find your workspace. Make sure that this space is well ventilated. Proper ventilation will prevent you from inhaling too much of the toxic fumes. It can be fatal to you if you breathe too much of it in.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Whys and Why Nots Of Biodiesel

An old saying is that “Fuel is never a gentle master.” I think in the world today are lives are sometimes dominated by our ability to get from point A to point B. The cost of fuel right now is probably the best story for everyone so looking into alternative fuel sources is very important. In this article we can take a look at the disadvantges and advantages of biodiesel.

Whys: Biodiesel can help extend the energy capacity of regular diesel when blended together. Biodiesels can also be used for home heating oils. Biodiesel generally release as much carbon dioxide as it uses growing because biodiesels are produced from natural sources. Using a blend of 20% biodiesel can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 15%. Also by blending biodiesel and diesel can lower the amount of other particulates (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) released as emissions. Biodiesel can be stored and transported safer the petroleum because its less combustible. Biodiesel is also safer because if it spills its biodegradable and breaks down about four times faster then petroleum.

Why Nots: Using biodiesel can result in higher amounts of bad nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in diesel engines. Biodiesel and diesel produce the same amount of hydrocarbon also called soluble carbon emissions. Pure biodiesel has a high clouding point, this means biodiesel in liquid form begins to thicken to a solid at low temperatures. Because biodiesel in liquid form has a higher clouding point it cost more to store and transport it in cold climates.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Overview Of Making Biodiesel With Used Cooking Oil

Biodiesel is a type of fuel that can be used in any type of diesel engine without any modification. The viscosity is twice the amount that can be found in any regular diesel fuel. Because of this it is better at lubricating a diesel engine. Biodiesel also has the ability to dramatically reduce the amount of emissions then regular diesel.

Anyone can purchase biodiesel pre-made or they can make it themselves using equipment around the home or by purchasing a Fuelmeister biodiesel processor . This processor can cost as much as $2,995 - but the upside to this is that it comes with everything you will need to make dozens of gallons of this fuel.

Another option that you have is to burn straight vegetable oil into your diesel engine. In order to accomplish this you must first do three things.

1. Pre-heat the vegetable oil along with the storage tanks and all of the feed lines being used.
2. Start the engine using standard diesel or biodiesel fuel.
3. It is important to clean out the system by burning only regular diesel or biodiesel before you shut the engine off.

Safety Rules

Before going any further it is important that we warn you that methanol is toxic and flammable. Never let it touch your exposed skin or allow it to get into your eyes. Before getting to work make sure that you are wearing thick, protective gloves, clothing, and protective eye wear at all times while working on it.

When the lye is mixed together with the alcohol it will create a substance that is even more toxic and it will release toxic fumes. Do not let it come into contact with you at any time. It is best to always wear a mask over your mouth to keep you from inhaling it. Make sure you are in a well ventilated area. Please keep in mind also that you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others.

Overview To Making Biodiesel

Transesterification is the process of making biodiesel fuel using lye, methanol, and cooking oil. You can purchase methanol at your local chemical store or even at a racetrack in your area. Granulated lye can be purchased from the local hardware store and grocery store.

The first thing you will need to do is to filter the used cooking oil. You can pick up oil filters at a restaurant supply store. Make sure that the oil is lumpy, thick, or solid when you warm it up. You can either use the sun to heat up the oil or a water heating element or even an electric gas burner.

The temperature that you want it to be at is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are going to use flames or be surrounded by any please remember that methanol is flammable. Because of this you need to turn the burner off before using it.